Here you have it, a simple circuit training routine to melt that extra blubber. This routine requires no equipment or space, which makes it a lot more convenient, especially for those on the run. Make sure you follow the exercises in order to achieve the best results. Of course, in circuit training, doing the routine once counts as one circuit. Try to go anywhere from 3-5 circuits continuously, with a resting time of 45-60 seconds between circuits. Also, try to keep the resting periods between each exercise to a minimum.
Here is the list of exercises for the routine in order. Get your torches ready, let's do this! (Click on the exercise to view an instructional video in a separate window):
- Jumping Jacks
Start with your feet hip-width apart and hands at your sides. Simultaneously raise your arms above your head and jump so you can spread your feet shoulder-width apart. Then jump again to lower your arms and bring your feet together. Do 20 reps. - Prisoner Squat
Stand with your hands behind your head, your chest out and your elbows back. Sit back at your hips and bend your knees to lower your body as far as possible without losing the natural arch of your spine. Squeeze your glutes and push yourself back up to the starting position. Do 12 reps. - Spiderman Pushup
Start in a standard pushup position: legs straight, hands beneath your shoulders. Bring one hand further back toward your legs on one side. As you lower yourself down, bring one knee up and over the elbow on that same side. As you push back up, put your foot back in standard pushup position. Switch arm that is back to be more forward as you prepare to repeat on the other side. Do 12-15 reps. - Forward Lunge
From a standing position, take a large step forward with one leg. When your front thigh is parallel to the floor and your back knee is off the floor, hold for 1 second. Then return to the starting position and repeat with your other leg. Do 12 reps with each leg. (Make it harder by holding the lowered position for 5 seconds.) - Jabs
Begin with your feet hip width apart and your hands out in front of you at chin level. Bend your knees to lower your hips down and back as if you were going to sit on a chair. Keep your upper body straight and tall. Begin punching your fists forward in alternating jabs. Avoid swinging; only your arms should be moving. You don't have to use the weights as shown in the exercise video. Do 20 reps.