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Gym Lingo Series: #1 The Crowd

Unsurprisingly, gyms are filled with people who have the potential to score high on the intimidation scale. Try going for a quick stroll inside the gym, you will be attacked with not only provoking looks and take-no-prisoners stares, but also some out of the ordinary lingo that would even add more insult to injury. Here is a gym lingo series that would make you walk around the gym like a pro. Be on the look out for the rest of the series, ya' heard!

The Crowd:
Bodybuilder: This is an easy one. You can easily spot them by their X-shaped frames and bulging biceps.
Powerlifter: They can single-handedly do a lot of things. They prefer to do two things: Math (in the multiples of 45 lbs), and compete in squats, deadlifts, and bench presses.
CrossFitter: These super motivated specimens slam their workouts hard with tens to hundreds of reps of high intensity functional movements including pull-ups, box jumps, Olympic lifts, and burpees.
Power Couple: His and hers workout has got a matched level of intensity. Look out for synchronized movements with lots of starry-eyed high fives (get a home gym, please!)
Personal Trainer: With their distinctive t-shirts, level of fitness, knowledge, and leadership skills, those certified pros help clients achieve their fitness goals through safe and effective exercise techniques.
Spin Head: A lot of sleek, logoed spandex involved. These spinning enthusiasts seek out that high-intensity, peddle-pounding burn.
Gym Rat: These workout-aholics will do whatever it takes to get their daily dose of burn. You can spot then morning, noon, and night, maneuvering the floor and hopping on from one exercise to another with a cool “I know what’s up” swag.
Mr. Varsity: If anyone’s got game, it’s this guy. Rocking a “big man on campus” cockiness, this all-star athlete puts on a well-rehearsed show of weights, plyometrics, track work, and ofcourse, a few winks here and there for the ladies.
Weekend Warrior: The mid-week grind is all that keeps those ones from going full-throttle. Check out their weekend grind though, it involves a range of intense, strenuous workouts.

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